Well bugger Me, no not really, where did this month go to, I started to revamp the dungeon as you all know but at the same time was really busy with appointments, the month has near gone, the Dungeon I must say looks really really awesome, I went for a Loft apartment meets steam punk style and it is all of that….as usual not all was ready to open today, still a couple of new bit of kit to add in, the new wheel is amazing as is the the new suspension with it’s four motors, anyway on with medical….

Repairs to My faithful old Halothane rig, and additions, this one is near 20 years old I bought it from a fantastic company called InstinctsMI all those years ago, it is the inspiration contrary to other opinions of the Enfettered one and where I first found My great love of breath play. Anyway all put back together now fully serviced and like I say additions too….who wants to come and try it…

I found this, or was I sent it, I don’t really remember it reminded Me of My time down in Wiltshire with My good friend MistressJane, I was due again in May alas it has been dropped in favour of some adult baby play, I for one will not be getting involved with that 😳 a real shame but hey time moves on and things change, group milking, I unfortunately do not have the room at My studio but very exciting news I am working with one of My engineers on a dedicated milking chair that incorporates the milking machine as well….it will probably be in development for a while but do keep watching this space because it will come…

Shockingly in amongst the refurb and being busy with appointments I have still managed to finish the development and testing of two new additions to GenerationF the next two weeks I am catching up on orders and I.T. so you’ll see them on the site and on Enfettered at some point soon…..awesomness if I do say so Myself.


On the subject of GenerationF if you click the logo above it will take you to it’s new site, still a work in progress as in there is lots I still wish to add, however it has as I have said before become much busier much quicker than I had bargained on, not an explosion by any stretch but not the slow burner I expected either, it is a nice site build as always with My own fair hand and that of course of #1 My aim is to see it fully loaded with a variety of more product a few bits of which are either in production, on test or some still in My head yet to be put on paper, it will be a gradual finish but end of year is the target i have set myself, let Me know your thoughts on the site I always appreciate constructive feed back.

So still not quite finished, there is a suspension gynae bed to go in, some new style hand and foot suspension cuffs, and a new design of suspension harness, a few other bits and pieces, it’s always a good feeling when you get to the stage in your business that you can afford to open your own studio, all that have them should be proud, I must say that when you have your own studio and it is also full of your own design and brand of kit that really is very special, and for those nasties out there looking to pounce on a persons every word, no I don’t think I’m better or a cut above the rest I just feel very proud to have a dungeon full of My own kit is all…..I love it ❤️

And there you go, not often I guess you see whats in the middle of the kit in your dungeon, above is the main frame for the suspension gynae welded in shape the welds ground down, ready to be degreased and off to the powder coaters to add colour…..Ok I will get back on to Medical now….

More Dr’s Feet for those that keep asking, tomorrow Monday the 24th a wonderful day, one of My very favourite travellers is coming to see Me, a five hour session followed by dinner, a lovely way to start the week I’ll grab a couple of pictures from the session and post below, it’s quarter to five Sunday evening I’m off home now……

And just to finish off, enjoy all the bank holidays this month, the first one this weekend I am already booked, no peace for the wicked, so happy may day or for the American readers Happy labour day, until the next time, a thank you to all My visitors, not that they’ll read it but thanks to all that helped with the refit and thanks to My ever present #1 see you next month Dr.Sara 💋