Surge & Rhythm Suite

The Surge & Rhythm Suite powered by Generation F

When you visit, it is here you will have your initial consultation, having first been asked to undress and robe into your patient medical gown and wait for Doctor

Surge & Rhythm Suite and your introductory point to The Practice

When you visit, it is here you will have your initial consultation, having first been asked to undress and robe into your patient medical gown and wait for Doctor.

We will go through your medical notes that were initially made on appointment and depending on your treatment plan, may then leave the Surge Suite for the main Practice Suite, or indeed we may start your  treatment planned for you here. The Hellion Gynae bed caters for all patient positions, and will accommodate you beautifully encased in your heavy rubber escapism. 

Powered By Generation F, this room is all about deep immersive encasement, sensory overload, exquisite stimulation, rubber, suction and of course pulsation at its very best.

A Fetish Medical Suite.  A state of the art Medical Clinic for fetish medical treatments and procedures


Clinic Blog

Back off Hollibobs

So all back off holiday and fighting fit and fresh, good job really as I have landed back into a  really busy patch, dungeon hire, sessions and Enfettered are all being busy together which has Me running around, I feel like a circus act, the Lady who is spinning all...

End of May into June

So a quieter week this week as we lead up to the bank holiday then it all goes crazy again, I still seek a Naughty Nurse from somewhere, I have had quite a few replies but nothing that suits both parties as yet, the distance is mostly the problem, as in those that are...

End of April into May

Blimey, the first week of May has gone on by already and this weekend is the first of two bank holidays, MayDay, I won't be dancing round the May Pole, as per usual I have sessions booked in and am busy all weekend, in fact if all comes off in the diary I am busy all...

April here we go again, another month slipped on by, they say time goes quicker the older you get, utter nonsense of course, however I am starting to believe it, it if not true, seems so....So goodbye March, an absolutely...


It is still February as I start this blog, I was so snowed under with appointments in February I published early knowing I was only going to have very little time if any to write much more, it was if I say so Myself one of My poorest blogs, I will see if I can do...


So as I said in My last blog a bit of a rotten start to the year but 90% better now so as they say "all is well that ends well" February is as always a double whammy month for Me not only is Feb 14th Valentines Day it is also My birthday, I won't be social media...

The Practice will require you to call or email our fetish medical practitioners, please introduce yourself with some ideas, or treatments that you have experienced and indeed enjoyed Read More….

Clinical Fees

Consultation Fees inclusive of all consumables Read More…


Disclaimer: All services are carried out at your own risk. The highest hygiene standards are maintained at all times. The treatments are carried out as part of a scenario and should not replace a professional treatment. This is fetish play Read More…

Patient Gallery

Some of what other patients have enjoyed Read More….

Visit Clinic

Appointments can be booked from 11am to 8pm

Call Clinic

07856 721782

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