Well here we are already into March, Where is this year going or is it just Me? it does seem to be flying by at a rapid rate of knots….So i really just wanted to start out by saying again a sincere thanks to all who came in February it really was a stonking month and after the tax man kicked the granny out of My savings a welcome stonking month I can tell you! many thanks to you all….So March!

This later, something new for Me, I have on the DominaSara side been doing quite a bit of mentoring of late, I must admit i have enjoyed it very much, and a huge move on from new ProDom’s asking you loads of questions then thinking they know better and doing the opposite…..in My ripe age of old I have discovered the secret is if you want someone to listen to you and take on the good advice you give, charge them #WhoKnew so anyway I mustn’t get bitter for those that didn’t listen their loss I only ever gave good advice based on decades of experience both private and professional….So now I try a little more but this time group teaching, the things I let Miz L’Amour drag me into 😳😳 I hope I jest, I hope it is a good laugh and everybody gets something from it….So I will apologise now for all the endless publicity I will be giving it on the Twitter and the like…..

So at the end of the month, the 27th in fact, I close the dungeon (Fallen Angel Studio) for a total refit, all very exciting, I’m going from a deep dark dungeon with uplifting lighting to a more studio, warehouse with a little steam punk style, well I hope so anyway…..that is the plan, I am very excited about it and especially some of the new kit that will be within, Enfettered of course…..So not really for here but it was the photo above that made me think of it, that is believe it or not the start of the medical room, My beloved The Practice The walls built ready for insulation and sound proofing….you’d never think it would you,

Above a photo of Fallen Angel Studio some 15 and a bit years back when we took it on and in time made it into the premier dungeon it is today, so many changes, so many mistakes, so many good ideas but most importantly so many happy memories, a place from which we sorted the wheat from the chaff……I still have folks with Me who were with Me from day one…no doubt I have made mistakes along the way but I also must of done some things right 😳 a matter of opinion in some quarters maybe! As #1 always says as long as you sleep easy at night, and I do

Anybody like these steam punk style shelves…..I love them Myself as they say watch this space…..

Ok ok, back to medical, it is after all the Medical Mistress Blog, by My good self, the only Milton Keynes Medical Mistress 😁above a recent visitor (Terry) yesterday in fact one of My favourites, that side of things regarding appointments and the like I couldn’t be happier with, it seems at long last after the so called pandemic , the threat of WWIII and on and on that things are finally getting back to what they were before…..a warm welcome in My humble opinion….I have been pretty stable here since the back end of last summer long enough I feel brave enough to mention it anyway…and long enough that I feel I can count it as consistent….


In news from the other part of My life the GenerationF web site is near complete, or as near complete as can be, it will as I said in an earlier blog be totally complete by the end of the year, when I say that I mean as in all the products currently in planning or in test will also be complete and loaded, i will post the URL on Twitter, Fetlife etc when ready, look up, you get it here first 👍🏻 It will still and always be available through the Enfettered site but it is growing at a much quicker rate than we anticipated and so really does deserve a stand alone site of it’s own, it looks rather swish if I do say so Myself..😊

Another one of My lovelies from earlier in the week, My guinea pig, another it is always a pleasure to see and play with….some days are very good days…..

Staying on the subject of My visitors, I am quite proud to be renowned for My after care, the coffee, Hot Chocolate, Tup’a’T’s and the chocolate and biccies are always on the go I mention that often and that it is on My time not yours, what I do not often, if ever mention is the conversations I am lucky to share with clients during aftercare, the topics are wide and interesting, it is always nice to hear about things that are in another life that have never touched your own life, sometimes the conversations are a two way street sometimes I am in effect being educated so have little to say and the one’s that I love best are the ones that have me in fits of laughter, genuine LOL….So this week I had one very funny client educating me on how to read Twitter or more importantly how to read between the lines of Twitter….this one was funny I’ll try and remember a few more in coming blog’s….

I Pride Myself on being a lone wolf = Billy No Mates 😩

Other than that I have done a huge amount of shopping, scaffold boards, flooring, paint, Fetish Furniture and lighting, lots of lighting, did I mention I love lighting, Edison lighting would be My current love, obviously all ready for the refurb, although I don’t get in the Dungeon Myself very much I do as with everything of mine take great pride in it and want it to be the best My imagination can come up with, I do a little refit every year a lick of paint along with a new highlight colour maybe change a bit of kit out, this year I am staying quiet other than to say it is a total revamp……

Ok again I waffle on so last paragraph, I’ll leave it a little longer till I publish and then do a 2nd blog, that way you can all see step by step progress as we demolish then transform Fallen Angel, This is a picture of our very popular Hellion, we do two versions the Lite and the Stacked, and I can’t help Myself I will be putting a lite version in the studio😮 I might see if I can get a couple of sessions in Myself, knowing whats coming I know they will be great sessions….I’ll leave you with a thought, goes back to above and Twitter and the like, never take social media too seriously….

As always take care out there, speak again shortly Dr.sara💋