Ok so today is the 12th, where is this month going, this is the first time I have had time to jot down any thoughts, things are seriously busy here, not quite sure where you are all coming from, I am however very pleased to see you all….It seems only a minute ago I was posting the Feb blog, so what have I been up to you ask? the answer is sessions, sessions and more sessions, it’s thus far been superb and doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon….

Nurse Athena is proving very popular, and I even have one client this week who is treating themselves to Nurse Jolene and Nurse Athena, brave or greedy, a little of both I think, I can’t not also thank this client **P** for a wonderful gift that he sent me, a beautiful speaker…..

I have just finished building a new workshop, a secret I have kept to Myself, a small part of a much much bigger plan that is on going, it is almost as if he knew, I said only the day before yesterday to Stubbz, I need to sort out some music and low and behold I turn up to work today and there on the door step is a parcel, thank you so so much **P** I am so happy with it…..A perfect gift!

On a more personal front My leg tattoo is complete, no more nasty gaps, boy-o-boy did it hurt this time, I was warned the inner thigh was painful, still well worth it I am really pleased with it and in the main everyone is liking it, i think they are telling the truth! there is no mad exodus out the door so to speak so they must either like it or at least not be bothered by it one way or another, My arm tells My life story, My leg is just things
I like, you can see above Carla Lillies….I love My music as depicted by the musical notes, I love the whole Japanese thoughts and ways of life, the feathers you can see are the wings of a fallen angel, something close to My heart, you get the picture….

A little trip to Derby on Wednesday to visit the delightful and gorgeous Mistress Vixen, it will be My first trip to her studio and I am really looking forward to it, the pictures of what she has achieved so far look stunning, I fancy like My good self she is a place for everything and everything in it’s place kind of gal…..I’ll try and remember to take photos….

Another first all the way from Australia, the beautiful Audrey Fatale, it is as you get older a strange place this world, although we met for the very first time due to online communication etc it felt like we knew each other well…..anyway a consummate professional and a real pleasure to host the lady, thanks for choosing FallenAngelStudio

And today Monday an old fav of mine **D** always a pleasure to play with, always fun, 6 hours were gone in a jiffy, I have a little down time Wednesday morning followed by a trip to Derby I must admit I will be enjoying it and taking it as a little refresh ready for a busy weekend……Don’t misunderstand Me I love My life but I like to give My best and I need to be fresh to do that…..

Well here is the month gone yet again, have you seen this gorgeous Lady in the picture above, she really is very popular, I think I have seen her more this month than I have The Boyz, I did double check when locking up in case she had moved in, it is really nice to have her to work with and what a beautiful creature she is, not just in  looks but a really kind and genuine person too, although I must say I have spotted a huge streak of sadism in her on occasion, perfect really….

Talking of The Boyz, My Boyz, for those that follow the service is good, I love them both and am pleased with both, however they could do better! My leg is now healed and all the heavy lifting with the house move is complete so both will be back in full belts again as of next week, they need focus and they will get that focus once tubed again! I will of course be the beneficiary of that focus. Emenac has a ways to catch up, Stubbz as you know has been 24/7 365 for close on 15 years, the 26th of November sees his 15th anniversary, a milestone of a fashion I’d say and My mind is ticking over for ways to celebrate that devotion, dedication and love with him, it will NOT of course include any kind of release or orgasm for him but I feel a celebration is required, mind you the number 20 has more of a ring to it so he may find himself waiting another 5 years, I will acknowledge the day in some way I think…Poor old Emenac is going through that breaking in period and will continue to suffer for some months yet I think, My expectation is he gets on with it and devotes his every thought and action to Me whilst he does so…..Laid between two beautiful men, feeling a cold steel tube on each leg as they lean in and worship Me is I must say to any ladies reading the ultimate power trip..

To finish off what has been an absolute blast of  a month, I travel to My beloved Island on Saturday after My last session, a little stop along the way for Stubbz to stick his head round the door of a 40 plus year friend and wish him a happy 60th then on to spend the night and next day with My dear ole Mum who is the ripe old age of 91 and still going strong, It is after all Mothers Day, Stubbz will make her a Mothers Day meal, her request is Steak&Kidney pie and cauliflower cheese, all home made of course, who am I to deny her and not command Stubbz to serve! I do like to get a good return on My Boyz……..On the way back we will stay over and catch up with two beautiful people Dominant Dolly and Ms Eve Harper A.K.A. MistressSidonia…..Ok Ok there is a small very beautiful canine involved too……..

An exceptionally busy month, thanks to all who came to visit, My sincere apologies for those I was unable to accommodate, maybe next month, that though is already very booked up, as per usual please stay safe and well and thank you for your support and for reading My blog  Best wishes Dr. Sara