So here I am at the back end of August, the Bank Holiday is done, and WOW what a busy one it was, lucrative so mustn’t grumble but I do on occasion wonder will I ever get a bank holiday off, I am having a sneaky day off Friday, I’m off to the tattooist again….Sunday is the 1st and I start with a bang and an all day  double Domme with My good Friend MistressMiranda which is always a blast, I’m looking forward to it, also looking forward to the end of all these really humid nights, I’d give good money for a good nights sleep right now, I need to get AirCon I think….So before we go any further August was yet again another fantastic month and a sincere thank you to all those that came to visit, I even managed a few new ones (new to Me) I don’t often get new ones, not because I don’t want to or because they don’t try to book but just because My regulars keep Me so busy I struggle to fit them in the diary, anyway it was a pleasure to meet you both and I sincerely hope you return…..

I love quotes and sayings, the one above I thought was a good one but with the caveat that it does need to be a two way street, maybe I’m getting old and grumpy, I was chatting around about the subject with one of My visitors last month, we both had very similar thoughts, I’m not saying who or what was said, after all whats said at lunch stays at lunch, but we were in agreement and very much aware that all too often it can be a one way street….Shame really and a large part of why I now charge for mentoring!

Where is the time going, almost a week since My good friend Mistress Miranda came to visit and double for the day, as always it was a blast, we work well together and I fancy between us there is not a subject we are not able to cover so good times for the clients too, I’m looking forward to the next time already….

More new kit added to The Practice, the Venus is still there and I don’t intend to get rid of it, a few clients would never forgive me, but it is dated and I have been on the look out for something that not only looks better but also performs well to, I think I have resolved that problem now, the measure of control I have with the above is superb, that in turn makes it a learning curve, not a huge one but a learning curve all the same, those of you that have pride in your craft will master it in no time and I don’t often get enthusiastic but it will in this instance be well worth it, the levels you can take the client through before allowing or disallowing a happy ending are in My opinion way beyond not just the Venus but all the other types of this electric style of machine, as they say in the various adverts on line VacuGlide, offers toe curling suction that will suck the orgasm right out of your body they are telling the truth………and it comes with three different sized tubes so the one machine does fit the vast majority which is as good as it ever gets…Look here 

The After Care Cafe

So this is in effect more new kit, first and foremost My sincere thanks to one of My favs **C** what a lovely lovely gift! thank you! I do and always have in both My persona’s, Domina Sara and Medical Mistress given the very best aftercare and it comes from my time, not part of your paid for session time, being a real life Mistress/Dominant/Top call it what you may I do fully understand subspace and I have always felt a strong responsibility regards My duty of care so the order of the day is a sit down with me, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, soft drinks a biccy or/and bars of choccy, for those that like it they also get to rub My pretty size 4’s as they chillaxe… I can also offer fizzy water or various cordial flavoured fizzy waters, one of My regulars refers to it as Dr. Sara’s Aftercare Cafe which really amuses Me….it’s a bit like a step back in time to childhood and the good old Soda Stream, but much much more advanced, I love it and once again thanks to **C** for such a kind and thoughtful gift…..if you are reading this you are very much My flavour of the month but that will unfortunately not affect the level of My brutality towards you!


Staying on the subject of My brutality, I had a wonderful session with **C** skewering his nipples, his balls and his sack then electrifying them, these 140mm needles are superb. Then a few hours later out to dinner, a lovely way to spend the afternoon and evening of an early Autumn Saturday……

For those of you wondering how goes the weight loss……on this occasion I have at long last taken the best advice of #1 and have used an article of clothing to judge if I am heading in the right direction, I have at long last learnt to understand that if it is a feel or a vision it is much more rewarding than a number, anyway I have lost more weight, still a ways to go but the dress I have been using to gauge is now in the every day wardrobe and is a comfortable fit! I have a new article of clothing to help me judge, it is if you are interested  a pair of trousers, at present they don’t even meet in the middle which gives me several goals,

1/ getting them to meet in the middle,

2/ being able to do them up,

3/ being able to do them up and sit down without cutting myself in half, and finally

4/ being able to wear them comfortably

once I can do that I will be very near where I intend to be, so no I’ve lost X amount of lbs this month but it is still going in the right direction in a slow but sure manner.

So yesterday was a day out, sort of a day out, I came to work in the morning and around 1pm a long standing friend Miss Vivienne L’Amour arrived, you may know her as the owner of the fantastic Celestial studios on the outskirts of Derby, we haven’t seen each other in quite some time, way too long really but we do both get so busy, it was a wonderful day and we called it at around 9pm although it felt like she had only been there an hour or two, much catching up, much gossip and snippets of scandal and the like, it was an amazing day, I had a fantastic time & I’m already looking forward to seeing her again, and as a bonus……

She brought with her 3 very very beautiful furr babies, you can see above I did at every opportunity get in a sneaky bit of dog love, a slobbery kiss, a cold wet nose and a furry cuddle is an experience I truly love…..I miss My boy so so much, but having the dogs for the day was just what the Doctor ordered……

Another fav this month and a chance to use My new foreskin spreader, also known as a Phimosis Tool not as some may mistakenly think a Nasal Forcep another fun session with another long standing client who I thoroughly enjoy doing sessions with….Always a pleasure **M** till the next time

A double whammy for Me from the other side of My fetish life, the stunning Princess Aurora using the GenerationF electric plunge nipple tubes, and at the home of My good friend MistressSidonia of The English Mansion…it doesn’t get any better than that, I hope to catch up with the stunning MistressSidonia at the end of the month when I am passing by her way…….I have much going on with GenerationF and am doing My level best to get all complete and launched by Christmas, maybe just after, we’ll see, as part of Enfettered it is doing very well and since the launch of it’s own web site which I am desperate to find time to work on! folks finally seem to be recognising that whilst at a glance it is similar visually to other products on the market it is in fact a very different product altogether and operates in it’s own unrivalled unique way…..anyway I know I am off topic again it’s not technically Medical…..Oh well….

Ok this is all getting out of hand so I’m going to publish before it turns from blog to book…a real baggy mouth this month, so far business wise this month is storming along and looks good till the middle of October so far, so I’ll bid you all much happiness, thanks as always for reading and thanks to all those who come to visit, I really do appreciate you! Take care stay safe and stay well….. Dr.Sara x x x