So a sneaky start to the month, it’s still June, I already did two blogs in June so I found Myself with a little time on Sunday the 30th of June to start again, so it is not quite yet July, hey-ho it’s My blog and I make the rules, a sneaky picture of My sleeve or a large part of it anyway, I’m just waiting for My American guy to arrive and thought a few selfies were in order, hopefully those that follow closely will also see My weight loss, I am getting there, it is slow but sure which it is meant to be, I am kind of hoping by end of November but if not then going into the New Year I’ll be back to my fighting weight….November as I have a very serious anniversary which I am intending to mark or rather as it involves #1 make an issue of……as #1 keeps telling me be grateful for the changes along the way rather than looking long distance to the end, I’m not ever sure where he gets it from but he is, it has to be said so right on numerous occasions and a really good mentor when it comes to exercise and diet…..I as it should be sit and await service and thats working well For me anyway!

So just before we start on July, once again thanks for making June such a busy month, it was really busy and considering I had 10 days off to go on holiday you’d never of known, thank you! so into July and it is already looking like a good one, lots of emails, I will get to them honest, and a fair few texts and thats before I start in on the ones already booked in, at some point at the end of the first week I will be getting a royal visit from My good friend Mistress Miranda, it is always a laugh and a nice bit of escapism for us both, not to mention she keeps coming up with designs for kit to be made by Enfettered, so a constructive visit as well as a social, I always look forward to them….Staying with Medical, I’m doing well this month huh! The picture above and the picture at the start are 3 days old and today is 1st June 2024, it is so important I believe to keep things current, you see so many web sites where the pictures are model shots and air brushed to buggary and as if thats not bad enough they are not even up to date, often years old, I think I’d much rather someone know just what I look like than them turn up and think OMG, I do know of this happening, but not to me as far as I know, anyway yet again I waffle on I will in the next few days be giving My website a little spruce up, not an overhaul just a little spruce up, adding in some more recent pictures and updating the action shots gallery that type of thing…..never let it be said she looks nothing like her photo’s….

So I am it would appear failing miserably when it comes to finding a nurse assistant, I’m looking for a naughty one, that doesn’t seem a problem, the problem is the ones that want to come and join me are a little far away, are there no naughty girls in the Bedfordshire/Buckinghamshire/Northamptonshire area looking to earn some money. I have Nurse Jolene and am very very happy with her, but she doesn’t do this full time and so is restricted by the dreaded **Real Life** interfering with her kink, I am most certainly not looking to lose her, I’d be devastated, however I really do NEED someone to fit in around her….so once again, I am on the outskirts of Milton Keynes, if you live within half an hour 40 minutes, you’re very naughty and enjoy it, you want to earn some money then please get in touch…..Ok I’m not going to beg any more than that, it’s very unbecoming dontchaknow!

A bag of peanuts, HaHa!, so yesterday was Sunday the 7th and a visit from My good friend and occasional SadisticSista MistressMiranda, she was an early bird and so the day started, lots of gossip, chat, who’s ears were burning? I’m not sure if folks know but she is a real asset to Enfettered, not only does she recommend us and buy much from us, she also has designed a few of the products we sell but over and above that she takes things and brings them back for tweaks, a pad here a D ring there and that is really helpful…….before we realised we had been chatting for hours and it was mid afternoon so we went for lunch, #1 & MissMiranda had a roast and I had a burger, very nice it was too, more chatting, more laughing, a bit more gossip and soon it was 6pm and so back to Enfettered Headquarters to load the ladies boot and off we went our separate ways, it was a lovely lovely day, so nice to escape and just do nice things with good company….by the time we had shut up, locked up and arrived home it was getting on and so for those that were wondering about the photo above of a bag of peanuts, I got in watched a bit of TV and ate a bag of peanuts before heading off to bed…..

So back to bragging, I just bought one of e-stim’s new triples, I can’t say anything about it just yet I bought it with a specific client in mind, it is as you would expect a very nice piece of craftsmanship and looks awesome, I’m sure it will perform well. I’ll let you know how it went…..

I also did a bit of shopping from My favourite dildo supplier JohnThomasToys, a 34 inch colon snake, it does look much much more impressive than the picture I have to say, I think on reflection I might take a picture Myself to give you a better idea…..Blue of course to go with the Practice colour scheme….I’m looking forward to tomorrow I have to say…….

I don’t know why I did it, #1 is always telling me **Stay off the scales they are just a Headfu*k** I ignored him, but on this occasion I am so glad I did, I was feeling in Myself that I had stuck and whilst not feeling like I had put any weight on felt I may not of lost any either, it is on occasion so nice to be wrong…..I have lost another 8lb and feel great for knowing, fighting weight yet, No, but very much heading in the right direction now, I have lost over three stones thanks to zero thyroid for so long, as the record goes **I feel good, da da lada la da la**  right off again now for a 4 hour session followed by a 2 hour, I hope #1 is ready to do some serious pampering this evening….I’ll write more another day….

So the 15th came and the 15th went and finally My sleeve is finished, it seems quite strange that the finish is the start as I started from the back of My hand up to my shoulder, I trusted the tattooist and that has paid off, I am totally happy with it, the clock you may be able to see is broken, as in, they broke the mould when they made Me, the time is 2.40, the time of My birth the eye in the centre looks out, the all seeing eye, it has witnessed My triumphs and My failures, My love and My hurt, it sits at the top of My arm the beginning of My story it looks down on the narrative below, I will do a separate blog and include a lot of pictures in with an explanation of what they mean to Me, some have a specific meaning some cover several things/times…..As soon as I get time, hopefully some of you will find it interesting….

I’m doing well this month, it’s only the 17th and My 2nd Royal visit of the month thus far, My good friend and occasional Sista@Arms MistressJane, she popped in for a flying visit, it was as always a pleasure and she looks so well, slim and trim and beautiful, it’s been a while so it was great to catch up but all too fleetingly it was gone and in the middle I had a session…..we must arrange a jolly day soon, life goes so fast when you’re busy but you must always make time for friends…..

As I write it is Saturday the 27th, near the end of another month, where did it go, it has flown by, or seems to of anyway, so a funny week this last one, I ended up really busy in the end but at the start of the week so many cancellations, folks stuck in other countries, flights cancelled left right and chelsea, who would have thought a Microsoft IT outage would affect the ProDom business…..well it did, I have settled back down again now but I think for a few folks it will knock on for a little while yet….

The beautiful MissTess who I am due to see soon, I believe she is in Ibiza presently enjoying a very well earned rest, for those new to the business of ProDomming if you want to be successful then this lady’s work ethic is somewhere towards where you should be aiming….always busy, always coming up with her own unique ideas, a credit to the  trade IMHO, I’ll look forwards to catching up soon……

I know a little bit on the short side buy as I said this month just went poooooffff and was gone, till next time, thanks for reading, for those that came to visit a sincere thank you, my very best wishes to you all, stay safe and well Dr.Sara xxx