So a quieter week this week as we lead up to the bank holiday then it all goes crazy again, I still seek a Naughty Nurse from somewhere, I have had quite a few replies but nothing that suits both parties as yet, the distance is mostly the problem, as in those that are perfect are a touch too far away….hey-ho, for those of My clients that are waiting, I am doing My very best….

Counting down the days now, two days in fact, the 6th of June when fingers crossed I will get My sleeve finished, then the 18th of June when I take a week off and go visit the good ‘ole Isle of Wight, a little R&R and a walk on the beach where I spent so much of My childhood with My Dad…

Looking forward very much to working with Tom Baker, if honest a male female duo, will it work? who knows but it will be a pleasure to try, he is a true gent I will let you know how it all goes, or even if it has to be cancelled due to lack of interest….we’ll see….

Much to the disgust of some and the absolute delight of others I have over the last couple of months been having My arm tattoo’d it is a full sleeve and tomorrow I hope My last 6 hour session will see it finished, I will write a blog about it when done, for no other reason than it is in pictures My life story, I do love it and it has taught me much also, I am in My own way a pain puppy, I have had 2 x 5 hour sittings and a 1 x 6.5 hour sitting thus far and apparently not many can endure that type of time in the chair….funny really if you’d asked me a little as a year ago I’d of said I’d never have a tattoo and now I have a whole arm done, as My #1 says **Your a late starter Ma’am** as much as anything I am looking forward to a day out of session, I’m a little unsure where you are all coming from but I have been super busy with sessions so a day off to be tattoo’d and a day off to recover back in session Saturday….no rest for the wicked as they say….

More bragging about new kit, I know you all need to know whats new so you know if you want to book and try it but I really do feel like I’m bragging, I am pretty sure bragging is not a good thing although a big part in places for the ProDom world. So yet another new Micro 312 Electric box, the very best on the market by a long long way in My not so humble opinion and with brand new Firmware,  to go with it a nice electric ball crusher designed by My good friend Mistress Miranda of The BDSM Laboratory….

Continuing to brags you all know The Practice is made up of 2 rooms The Practice itself and then also The GenerationF Suite, this is now and has for a little while been undergoing a major face lift and I have some huge updates coming in the next few months, not now but for Me very exciting things currently going on a couple of which should be real game changers in the world of Milking…..My lips for now are sealed

In the mean time, recently added stands to display My beautiful electric Insertable’s in their many sizes, not only gorgeous to look at but practical as well, so much to come I am beside Myself and bursting to tell, but i won’t…..

More updates on the sleeve, I have about 3 to 4 hours left to completion now, above is again about 1/3 of My 4th sitting, another 6 hours worth, there are various other bits on other parts of My arm, you can see an antler missing on the **Horns of the Cuckold** that is the last sitting, there is another piece going in there then the 2nd antler can be finished behind the coming out….does that make sense?  anyway no more now till the 15th of July, time to heal and time to give it all a close inspection to see if there is any shadowing or the like to fill in here and there….watch this space….I am by the way very very pleased with it…

Back to Medical, a couple of pictures above of My beautiful inflatable leg binders in use, modelled by one of M y fav’s *P* they are an excellent bit of kit and a great addition to The Practice I love them, and hey I’m not easily pleased….there is much other new stuff but nothing really worthy of a photo, some new cock looks for those that like electrics and a wicked new vacuum pump again a bit boring to take photo’s of……I do my best to not be a **Look at Me, Look what I’ve got** merchant whilst at the same time keeping you all informed, no-one is complaining so I’m going to take it I have struck a reasonable balance…

6 Of The Best……. whats that got to do with medical I see you asking as you read, this is in fact the rear end of one of My most favourite clients **C** My very own near perfect super sub, perfect in so many ways, a regular of many years standing he loves both dungeon and medical so we do both which I must admit I love, I always enjoy sessions with him it is nice to do a little of both and the level he plays at is just right to sate My sadistic streak, the conversations over coffee after are always so entertaining, a really really nice man…..And hey I am bragging now but look at how accurate, even and crisp those cane marks are….always a pleasure!

So it is Saturday morning as I type, sessions as always over the weekend, last session finishes 6pm Monday then it is off for a little R&R over on The Isle’ov’Widdgit some walking, some catching up and some nice meals, I’ll be taking My personal Chef A.K.A #1 so worry not about Me normal service will be in place & taken for granted….I will finish for this time round I am highly unlikely to have time to write more before I leave….

As always for that came to  visit and session,  and thank you also for reading, till next time stay safe and well, My very best wishes Dr.Sara xx