So all back off holiday and fighting fit and fresh, good job really as I have landed back into a  really busy patch, dungeon hire, sessions and Enfettered are all being busy together which has Me running around, I feel like a circus act, the Lady who is spinning all the plates, but also i feel good, the picture above is where I stay, so beautiful you come out of the door in the morning and little ducks sleeping on the foot path right outside……..amazing, I am though a nature and animal lover so it pleases Me no end……….

On the good news front I only got back yesterday so non of that nasty bragging about new kit, maybe before the end of the blog, I’m never comfortable with it but hey I won’t harp on I have told you My feelings on it numerous times, just a passing thought being so busy in this weather I am so glad I am renowned as a traditional player, nice cotton skirts and tunics rather than having to dress in latex, I like that rather than the risk of giving off a nasty Mistress scent……

This for those that keep asking is the main reason I go to the Island every year at the same time, I go several times a year but am always there on and around the 20th in recognition of the passing of My dear ole’ Dad, I throw flowers into the sea for him and find great comfort and a feeling of closeness, whilst I am not from the Island I spent much of My younger years there, My Dad a bit of a surfer was on the beach a lot, he taught me to drive on the beach, it is a particular beach and worth the mecca, anyway enough personal stuff and on to medical……

And so back to medical things…..I had very much looked forward to working with Dr.Baker, and yes I do mean that sincerely he is knowledgable and a really nice guy, he has a large client base as do I, so My dilemma is do I do the Twitter speak (yes I know it’s X) and on the day post some moody photo’s with captions saying just waiting on the 3rd session of the day or some other untruth, or as I am going to do, so zero dilemma at all, just tell the truth, not only did we not get any appointments booked in we didn’t even get any enquiries……I’m not shocked and we both discussed before advertising that we both had very different markets, and as it transpires, very different markets, is very much so…..If you don’t try you don’t know, so as always Hey-Ho…….You can all pick yourselves up off the floor now, I know you’ll all be in shock at a ProDom telling the truth   and just to finish this off, this is not meant as a slur/Dig/Go at anyone in particular more a general observation and a comical dig at some of the social media nonsense that goes on……..

Tis Thursday the 27th today and I have a day of semi freedom, only 1 x 2 hour session so not really a day off but feels like one, then tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday full days…..I’m not moaning, I do as I have said before love My life and and am grateful for all that come to visit me, I have a new one tomorrow which is always a nice thing, sent by another Mistress, so very generous of her, proper old school like My good self, Saturday sees the return of one of My faves **C** and Sunday a guy who visits twice a year from the States, I’m looking forward to it, and a very busy month yet again despite Me going on holiday for 10 days of it…..

Not really Medical but Me, Me, Me. so as it’s My blog that should be ok, I am looking forward to the 15th when finally I get My sleeve tattoo finished, an eye surrounded by a clock to depict My beginning and My beady eye on time as it passes and all that time brings, a little bit on My elbow and some small shading here and there and it will be complete, I will then blog and picture it, maybe video it, maybe both and post a full description of all it contains and all that it means to me….Maybe I’ll do that on My DominaSara profile but if I do I will link to it in next months blog…..

Not much of a blog I know, but it is the 2nd of the month and it is only a few days since I have been here to blog so, hey-Ho…..thanks to all you beautiful people who have come to see Me the emails and texts and calls, and thanks for reading, I will do a better effort next month, well that is My intention anyway so till then stay safe and My best wishes to you all Dr.Sara xx